Missed Opportunities

My husband and I are reading Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker and it’s been pretty good.

A few nights ago Harv shares this story about how he moved to Florida and got this idea for an ice cream and cake shop but he wasn’t sure how to run one or if he wanted to run one…

So he’s walking around and sees a cake and ice cream shop with a “hiring” sign in the window and a light bulb came on

Suddenly this idea that if he works at this shop he’ll learn tons about the business so he applied…

And got hired….

as the BUS BOY.

But he takes it in stride because he’s not there for the money but it is nice to get paid while learning the ropes.

He learns everything he needs to and does a pretty good job working there also so he’s eventually gets offered a “promotion” to…

Cashier! Woop Woop! Moving on up… right?

Nope! He turns down the position because he didn’t think he’d learn more being stuck behind the register…

So he quits! And also decided he’s not going into that business (costly mistake avoided!)

But later on he gets a call from the chef (who also quit) about a special opportunity and he takes it.

Imagine if he hadn’t taken that first step?

Often times you’re missing opportunities in your life because it doesn’t come in looking all pretty in a bow.

It might be disquised as coal when it’s really a dirty diamond.

In a recent article, I shared how you might be missing opportunities in your life because they’re disquised as trials and tribulations.

However these are the events you’ve already been through.

Until next time

Coach Brittany

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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