5 Types of Emails to Send AFTER Someone Buys From You!

There’s so much energy spent on getting people to buy the first time and I get it we are told to focus on sales but what If I told you you can focus on sales without constantly selling? Without burning yourself out? Is it possible?

5 emails to send after someone buys from you to get them to buy again - Email Marketing Specialist & Consultant

5 Emails to send after someone buys from you to get them to buy again – Email Marketing Specialist & Consultant

YES! It’s possible! But it requires you to shift your focus from that new new and really look into your customer’s actual journey. Even so there are 5 types of emails you can send to help them buy again instead of finding someone or something else.

5 Types of Emails to Send after someone buys from you!

Email #1: Reminders to use the product

This is an email that is sent initially to give access to a digital product and then also reminds them to use the product (digital or physical) by reminding them that they bought it for a reason.

This type of email might seem like over kill but how many times have your purchased something for it to gather dust on your shelf? (Physical or digital!) The thing is if stories sell then the key is for us to get our customers to USE what they buy so we can have stories of progress and results!

An example of this email is: Module 1 is open and here’s what to expect from it (digital example) or The summer is coming here’s why to use this skin cream now more than ever. These reminders to use the product can also include additional tips which is email #2.

Email #2: Additional tips

The additional tips email is all about tips, tricks, and hacks to help them get the best results possible. This can be a tip about how or when to apply the body lotion or when to send that type of email or something that’s not readily known.

This helps them see you and your brand as genuinely helpful while educating them and not just out there to make a buck. Nothing wrong with making buck. The problem is when it’s at your customers’ expense instead of their delight. Which leads to email #3: Case Studies/before & afters.

Email #3: Case studies /  before and afters

These are emails displaying the biggest motivator & trust indicator known to people, Social Proof. This is when you send your customers stories. It allows them to see what’s possible if they put in the work, use the products, etc. This is much more powerful than you saying “do the work” or “use the product” because we’re social creatures. We do what we see others do and we are willing to do what others do to get the results they have.

This type of email also taps into something else… FOMO aka Fear of Missing Out. “I want what she has!” well this is a subtle reminder of how they get what “she” has. Which leads us to email #4: Encouraging them to share.

Email #4: Encouragement to share

This is when you gather their stories and results and invite them to share on social media via sending you a picture or using your branded hashtag. The real reason people share is status. “Look at me! I’m special!” It’s a similar feeling to getting ahouted out and having someone you deem important say your name like they know you.

But this is to your benefit! When people share their stories and results they are marketing and advertising for you… for free and you are getting the most powerful form of marketing: Word of Mouth! Win-Win-Win!

Email #5: Unannounced bonuses

This is when you send an exclusive or unannouced bonus like here’s a coupon for your NEXT order or here’s an additional download for your digital product to get better use out of the product or encourage the behavior you want them to exude.

This works because it’s seen as a generous gift that comes from a good place. Since it’s unexpected, it surprises and delights your customers in a way that makes their affinity for you and your business grow. This makes them want to do business with you again thereby increasing your sales and growing your business without getting a new customer! Win-win!

So as you can see, sending emails isn’t always about the sale but it can help you increase your sales. In this article I shared 5 types of emails to send after someone buys something your business and they were:

  1. reminders to use the product
  2. additional tips
  3. case studies/before & afters
  4. encouragement to share their stories
  5. unannouced bonuses

Now here’s a bonus type of email to send that will help you and help them: Time to Reorder emails.

Time to reorder emails are simple emails

This is when you simply say it’s been a certain amount of time and if they’ve been using the product it will naturally need to be reordered. You can include a small incentive to encourage them to reorder i.e. 10% off their next order as a reward for being a loyal customer. This helps your business grow exponentially without constantly seeking new customers.

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Let me know in the comments… are you using any of these emails in your business? If so which ones? If not, Why?

Until next time


Brittany The Profit Booster™

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 1

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 1

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 2

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 2

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 3

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 3

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 4

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 4

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 5

5 emails to send after someone buys to encourage them to buy again profit strategist email automation consultant 5

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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