Feel like you’re spinning your wheels?

Ever been in a car that was stuck in mud or snow?

It has this frustrating energy to it…

You press on the gas… the car revs but goes nowhere

You don’t press on the gas… the car goes nowhere

There’s something missing… but what?

The thing that’s missing is…… traction

Traction is all about getting and holding the grip and allowing momentum to push you forward…

Here’s the thing…

When you’re stuck in this rut of snow or mud (or life or business) you have to do something different in order to get out of the rut…

This is a prime example of the quote “what got you here, won’t get you there” because you can’t just drive out of the rut.

How did you get in this rut?

The answer is probably overthinking it and second guessing yourself.

I know that’s the issue I have some (probably most) of the time.

Caught in your own head… in your own thoughts (Self-doubts) and it’s getting you into these ruts.

How do you get out of this rut?

In order to get out of these ruts, you gotta do something different …

Change up the routine, and get an assist to pull you out of the deepest part, so you can finally gain some traction and momentum…

That something that gets you out is usually something unusual and it’s not likely to be just your bare hands (or your own bootstraps).

It’s often a kind friend with a really good shovel or towing cables (who’s probably been in a rut or 10 themselves) and they share their tools to help you get back on track.

Strategy sessions are that “assist” that helps you get out of those ruts as quickly as possible.

If you’re ready to get out this rut and gain some traction you can book a strategy session right here:

I’ve experienced ruts and working with my coach to create a strategy always pulls me out of the stinking thinking.

This helps me gain some traction so I’m sure it’ll work for you as well!

Until next time

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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