Your Secret Weapon… In Business

I want to share a short story with you…

A while back I was talking to this lady at a conference…

She was talking about how she’s in the parenting niche and that she didn’t think what she had to offer was “special”.

your secret weapon in business the secret to your success Email Marketing consultant

Your secret weapon in business & the secret to your success – Email Marketing Consultant

So I asked her to share her services with me.

She had this thing and that thing from digital products to 1:1 and even a therapy gig on the side.

And I asked her… “why do you offer that? What did you encounter that led to that offer?”

She shared her own personal journey. Her experiences with her kids and their providers and etc.

She then asked me why I asked.

I said

“Because you’re right… what you offer isn’t too much different from others in the parenting niche. But WHY you offer it aka your perspective along with your experience is why this is so different.”

Her face was like then

You see

Nothing is new under the sun… look at the Gap “bell-bottoms” became “flares” and are now “wide leg jeans”.

But your perspective? Your experience? That IS new.

And that’s your secret weapon.

And I give you permission to use it.

What’s your “secret weapon”?

Share in comments and let me know!

Can’t wait to see what you share!


P.S. Have you taken the How you fascinate personality test? Check it out here:

Guess what my type is? ….

The Secret Weapon lol funny right? Anyway share your secret weapon in the comments below… you never know who’s looking for what you offer!

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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