Goal Setting Worksheet for Introverted Women Entrepreneurs

As entrepreneurs you know that setting goals is key to your success and productivity but are you setting the right goals? Are you focusing on the right things?

If you want to make sure you’re creating goals that work you need to use a Goal Setting Worksheet.

What is a Goal Setting Worksheet?

A goal-setting worksheet is simply a worksheet that asks you specific questions to help you drill it down. A good goal-setting worksheet will ask you deep questions and make sure the goals you’re setting are what you really want AND are truly moving you towards the business you want to have!

When you use a goal-setting worksheet you create goals that are SMARTer not just SMART.

SMART Goals are:

  • Specific: put tangible details here
  • Measurable: will you know when you’ve reached this goal?
  • Actionable: what steps can you take to make this goal a reality? brainstorm
  • Realistic (with a stretch):
  • Timed: when is it due?
  • Excites You: does it reach higher than a 7.5 on the excitement scale? if not why are doing this?
  • Review & Recalibrate: when will you assess your progress? what adjustments can you make?

And much much more!

How to use a Goal Setting Worksheet

6 Steps to Prepare to Use a goal setting worksheet

  1. Set an appointment with yourself to sit down and work on your goals. It can be any day and anytime. It’s not relegated to the first week of the new year.
  2. Get a good night’s rest  (6+ hrs of uninterrupted sleep)
  3. Eat a good meal that makes you feel nourished
  4. Keep your phone somewhere else. Try to abstain from social media for an hour or two before your appointment with yourself
  5. Meditate or do some breathing to clear your mind. Another thing you can do to “empty” your mind is a brain dump. This is when you simply write for a few minutes EVERYTHING that’s on your mind in the moment for up to 15 minutes. This allows your mind to fully concentrate on the task at hand.
  6. Then you want to shift your mind into future mode by relaxing back into the chair and asking what does your ideal business look like? feel like? what’s a day like in your life with a thriving business?

These questions and more will help you truly get clear on the type of business you want & the lifestyle you want so you know what type of goals to create.

Now you with what you thought about you want to start filling out your goal-setting worksheet.

To download a goal-setting worksheet you can use for free click here

Now how to achieve these goals you’ve set?

Goal-setting worksheets have been around for eons but what good is it if you’re not putting them into action? When you write your goals down you’re more likely to achieve them but when you transform your goals into daily tasks and habits you take them from “likely” to “guaranteed”. But how do you get there?

By first making sure that the goals you’re setting are SMART Goals but then taking them a step further by building habits and routines!

Click here to read how to transform big goal and dreams into daily tasks and habits!

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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