Struggling with a Negative Mindset?? Do these 5 things to fix it!

First what does mindset even mean?

Mindset:  The established sets of thoughts and feelings held by someone. Mindset is your thoughts and feelings regarding different things including yourself.

So do you think you have a negative mindset or a positive mindset?  Either way you’ll be correct.  Your mind doesn’t differeniate between positive and negative thoughts. (You are not your mind!)  It’s something you have to do yourself.  You have to be actively aware of your thoughts in order to shift them in anyway.  Take a moment and think about the last few things you’ve said to yourself.  Were they negative or posiitve?  Were they dismissive or engaging?  When you evaluate your thoughts you’ll begin to realize where a shift is necessary. Here are few symptoms of a negative mindset

  1. You’re always the victim (why do bad things happen to me)
  2. You ONLY complain/vent/etc.
  3. You never have nothing good to say about yourself or others

Some people say “mindset” is woo woo but in reality it’s psychology. 90-95% of your thoughts happen with out you realizing it and the same goes for your actions and the reasons why you do them. These are all occuring in your subconscious mind.

What is your subconscious mind?

It’s kinda like when you are afraid of spiders but aren’t quite sure why.  Or being afraid of heights or pregnant people lol.  Not quite sure why but it doesn’t make it any more or less valid.  This is your subconscious mind at work.  I think I am going to do another blog post about this but for now your subconscious mind is often in control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions until you become aware of what’s going on.  This is your mindset.  Can you change this?  YES!  It’s not written in stone and even if it were overtime erosion could still erase it.

Here are the 5 things you can do to create micro shifts in your mindset that, overtime change, your whole view on life and yourself.

  1. Question EVERYTHING.
  2. Forgive yourself for any “mistakes”
  3. Take baby steps
  4. Celebrate those baby steps
  5. Create a posiitve uplifting environment

Ok so the first is Question EVERYTHING.

These means question those thoughts, actions, and feelings.  Ask yourself “what’s causing me to feel this way?”  and when you get the response ask “Is this actually true?” and finally “How do I know this to be true?”  This will bring up the original memories and you can from this point decide if this is something you want to keep believing or not.  If this isn’t something you want to keep believing creating new affirmation questions that you answer with a reason will help you create new beliefs that change your view on life!


Self-forgiveness is one of the deepest things you can do to shift your mindset!  A lot of the time what’s holding you back is the fear of making (another) mistake. But mistakes don’t kill us or make us anyless loveable by others or yourself.  Mistakes are apart of being human!  Its what you do after the mistakes that determine success or failure.  Learning from your mistakes is success even if you weren’t able to accomplish what you wanted.  Not learning from your mistakes, thereby making the same mistake over again is failure.  So self-forgiveness is necessary!

One of my favorite self-forgiveness processes is Ho’oponopono.  Ho’oponopono is a hawaiian forgiveness mantra that you can use either with yourself or anyone else you feel has wronged you in some way or fashion.  I’ll be honest… this is something I did when Donald Trump got elected because I felt slighted by the American People. I had to let that go so I could move on in my life and keep being awesome.  YES it is that deep.  But it’s necessary.  Here’s my personal favorite youtube video that use.  Check it out here —–>

Take baby steps

Have you ever heard the ancedote “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”  Well that’s how your mind works as well. If you think of your big goals and dreams they might seem impossble and you feel dumb for even trying.  But one step (or bite) at a time is how to move forward and gain momentum! This means your need to be able to break your goals down into bite size milestones that are achievable with consistent action. Eventually you’ll get where you are trying to go and hopefully won’t be hungry when you get there lol.  It’s important to do this breakdown in mini steps because then you’re able to move on to the fun part which is CELEBRATE.


Adults don’t give themselves enough credit.  You get up, get dressed, go to work, work, and come home every day and no celebration.  You feel as if you are just doing what needs to be done.  But what would happen if you celebrated even a lttle bit what you are accomplishing in your daily life?  Do you think you’ll be happier?  More excited to do it again?  Well psychology says yes!  With positive reinforcement in play here you’ll happily do something again if it means you’ll be celebrated for doing it!  What gets celebrated gets repeated!  It’s kinda like that doggie that brings the newspaper.  You give the doggie a treat when it brings the paper.  What gets celebrated gets repeated!  So celebrate taking those small steps towards your goals.  Your belief in yourself will change!


Finally your environment is so important.  First lets see what counts as your environment?  Your environment is everything around you on a micro and a macro level.  Your body, your home, your friends, your neighborhood, etc. These are literally all the thing around you.  This all has a massive effect on your life and your mind.  Especially the people.  We are social creatures and we become like the 5 people we spend the most time with regardless of if they are posiitve or negative. So the best thing you can do is actively find positive people who are accomplshing their goals. Befriend them. Learn from them and shift into their lane.  You got this!

To recap: there are 5 things you can do to shift your mindset.  First question EVERYTHING.  Then forgive yourself for previous mistakes.  Then take baby steps.  Celebrate when you take those baby steps and finally create an environment that sets you up for success starting with the people in your circle!  You got this! Have you ever tried to change your mindset?  How did it go?  Do you doubt you can?  It’s not impossible!

Comment below and let me know how you deal with mindset upsets!  I love hearing from you!

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About the Author Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

About the Author

Brittany W

Brittany W

Mindful Momentum with Brittany

Its me this is my site

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